Intellectual property news written and compiled by our patent attorneys.
Gille Hrabal IP News of 17.07.2024
„Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unseren neuen European Patent Attorney!“
„Congratulations to our new European Patent Attorney!”
„Wir freuen uns, dass unser Team mit Dr. Lorenz Obrecht, nach erfolgreich bestandener Europäischer Eignungsprüfung (EQE), nun durch einen weiteren zugelassene Vertreter vor dem Europäischen Patentamt verstärkt wird.”
“We are pleased that with Dr. Lorenz Obrecht, after successfully passing the European Qualifying Examination (EQE), our team is reinforced by one more professional representative before the European Patent Office.”

Gille Hrabal IP News of March 2024
Recent developments at the European Patent Office
Fees for European patent applications are changing from 1 April 2024. These include reductions for small companies, natural persons, non-profit organisations, universities and public research organisations also located outside Europe.
Moreover, the EPO announced that the latest version of the Guidelines are now in effect superseding the previous Guidelines implemented in March 2023.
Gille Hrabal IP News of 26.07.2023
„Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die beiden neuen European Patent Attorneys!“
„Congratulations to the two new European Patent Attorneys!”
„Wir freuen uns, dass unser Team mit Frau Eleni Glachtsiou und Herrn Dr. Nils Eichenauer, nach erfolgreich bestandener Europäischer Eignungsprüfung (EQE), nun durch zwei weitere zugelassene Vertreter vor dem Europäischen Patentamt verstärkt wird.”
“We are pleased that with Ms Eleni Glachtsiou and Dr Nils Eichenauer, after successfully passing the European Qualifying Examination (EQE), our team is reinforced by two more professional representatives before the European Patent Office.”

Gille Hrabal IP News of 06.12.2022
European Patent System pushed back by two months
The start of the UPC (Unitary Patent Court), which will enable validation of a granted European invention patent in all UPC member states at once with unitary effect and one fee, will get into force two month later. The start of the Sunrise Period has moved from 1 January 2023 to 1 March 2023, thus making the official start of the UPC being 1 June 2023.
Gille Hrabal IP News of 15.04.2022
Important Changes in German Patent Law / PCT-DE
The Second Act to Simplify and Modernise Patent Law (Second Patent Law Modernisation Act) provides for numerous amendments in German patent law also with implications for PCT entry into DE national phase as well as in other IP procedures before the German Patent and Trademark Office…
Gille Hrabal IP News of 30.03.2022
How to take advantage of the Unitary Patent already now
When an intention to grant communication according to Rule 71(3) EPC is issued for a European patent application, the grant procedure can be delayed such that the European Patent can be validated as a Unitarty Patent with unitary effect among the European UPC member states…