Dr. Nils Eichenauer
Associate Patent Attorney / European Patent Attorney
+49 211 99 689 -0
Protective rights
- Patents and Utility Models
- Trademarks
- Designs
Technical fields
- Chemistry
- Biotechnology
- Life Science
- Materials science
- Pharmaceuticals
- Food products
- Cosmetics
Special expertise
- Drafting patent applications and supervising examination proceedings
- Developing protection strategies for innovations adapted to the needs of our client
- Conducting needs-oriented searches for prior art or conflicting intellectual property rights
- Supervision of international IP portfolios
- Holistic IP advisory
Professional representation
- German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA)
- European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
- World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO)
- Federal German Patent Court (BPatG)
- Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in nullity proceedings
- Chamber of Patent Attorneys
- VPP – Association of Intellectual Property Experts
- epi – Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
- FICPI – International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
- GDCh – German Chemical Society e.V.
European Trademark and
Design Attorney -
Diploma in Chemistry (Cologne University)
Dr. rer. nat. (HHU Düsseldorf)
- German
- English
- French
- Reading
- Cooking
- Music (Percussion)
- Collect mushrooms
- Family activities
Dr. Nils Eichenauer advises clients from Germany and abroad especially in patent matters in the fields of chemistry and related areas of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and material sciences. Design and trademark matters are also part of his practice. His professional focus is drafting patent applications, supervising examination proceedings and advising spin-offs and individual inventors, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large internationally operating corporations.

“As a patent attorney, it is my goal to precisely understand the concerns and the competitive environment of the client in order to be able to offer targeted and individually tailored solutions.“
Nils Eichenauer
Dr. Nils Eichenauer was born in Düsseldorf in 1982, studied chemistry with a focus on organic chemistry at the University of Cologne and obtained the degree of Diplom-Chemiker in 2009 with his diploma thesis on “Orientierende Versuche zur Synthese mariner Oxylipine”. The research work for his diploma thesis under Prof. Dr. Schmalz in the field of synthesis of marine natural products at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the University of Cologne was conducted by him at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry (IBOC) of the University of Düsseldorf at the Research Center Jülich.
In 2009, he started working as a research associate and doctorate student at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the HHU Düsseldorf at the Research Center Jülich.
During his research work in the field of natural product synthesis for his doctorate on the topic of “Development of new allyl boronic acid esters and their application in natural product synthesis” under Prof. Dr. Pietruszka, he dealt not only with methods of synthetic and preparative chemistry but also with the use of biotechnological processes for the production of chemical products, in particular with the use of enzymes in chemical synthesis.
In the course of a fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS), Nils spent four months as a visiting scientist in Japan at Kyoto University with Prof. Michinori Suginome during his doctorate research on the synthesis of boronic acid derivatives by C-H activation using transition metals.
After completing his doctorate in 2014, he worked for a contract research organization, where his activities included implementing projects in organic and organometallic synthesis, polymer chemistry, and process development for various companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
In 2015, Nils started working in the field of intellectual property and successfully completed his education as a patent attorney with stations at the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court, the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court in 2018. Since 2019, he has been a sworn patent attorney and a professional representative before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
He advises and represents national and international companies primarily in patent matters. Together with our clients, Nils develops and optimizes national and international intellectual property strategies and portfolios.
Nils joined GILLE HRABAL in 2015. In the year 2023 he was admitted as professional representative before the European Patent Office (European Patent Attorney).
He is married and has two children.
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