Dr. Lorenz Obrecht

Associate Patent Attorney

+49 211 99 689 -0


Protective rights

  • Patents and Utility Models
  • SPCs
  • Trademarks
  • Designs

Techncal fields

  • Chemistry
  • Biotechnology
  • Life Science
  • Materials science
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Food products
  • Cosmetics

Special expertise

  • Drafting patent applications
  • Supervising examination proceedings in Germany, Europe and international examination proceedings
  • Conducting searches for prior art or conflicting intellectual property rights
  • FTO expert opinions
  • Supervising international IP portfolios
  • Preparing and conducting opposition and nullity proceedings

Professional representation

  • German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA)
  • European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
  • World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO)
  • Federal German Patent Court (BPatG)
  • Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in nullity proceedings


  • Chamber of Patent Attorneys
  • FICPI – International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys
  • VPP – Association of Intellectual Property Experts


  • Patentanwalt
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney
  • Diploma in Chemistry (RWTH Aachen)
  • Ph.D. (University of St Andrews)


  • German
  • English


  • Reading
  • Bicycling
  • Soccer


    Dr. Lorenz Obrecht represents small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large domestic and foreign companies mainly in patent matters in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry and related areas. Lorenz is very experienced in drafting patent applications and in examination proceedings. Opposition and nullity proceedings also belong to his areas of practice. Besides, he handles trademark and design cases.

    What excites me about my work as a patent attorney is getting insights into innovations at the spearhead of technological development.

    Lorenz Obrecht

    Dr. Lorenz Obrecht studied chemistry at the RWTH Aachen University and graduated in 2009 with his diploma thesis in the field of organic chemistry as a “Diplom-Chemiker”. In the course of his studies, he spent three months at the University of York in England conducting research in the field of theoretical chemistry.

    During his doctorate studies at the University of St Andrews in Scotland in the department of Chemistry, he focused on the synthesis of new catalysts based on chemically and biologically modified enzymes and their application in various chemical reactions. The focus of his work was at the interface of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry and related analytics.

    He presented his research results at international and national conferences as well as in the form of scientific publications to interested experts.

    Lorenz has been working for our firm in the field of intellectual property since 2016. In 2020 Dr. Obrecht received his admission as a German Patent Attorney.

    Lorenz mainly advises and represents international companies in patent matters. In addition to drafting patent applications and managing the examination procedure, his expertise also includes the enforcement and invalidation of intellectual property rights.

    His particular expertise covers the fields of chemistry and biochemistry.

    Dr. Obrecht is with GILLE HRABAL since 2016.

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